
NER Golf Day 2013

A great day out!

It was our pleasure to invite our customers for the annual NER Bernard Buckley Memorial Golf day on the 30th of August 2013.  We would like to thank everybody who could find the time to join us.

We had a nice day out in great weather held in Tulfarris Hotel and Golf Resort. After the game everybody could enjoy a nice pint and compare the scores during the dinner. The yellow ball competition was again a hard challenge that only three teams could master.

Here are some pictures of the great day.

The winner of the Trophy 2013 with 36 Points Gerry Gallagher (he had to leave

before the presentation, but we made sure he got his prize)


Warming up


If the whole team is searching for ball, than it must be the yellow one.


Brian could relax for a few minutes


Jim seems to be enjoying his day out